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Rosa Mancebo headshot

I love words, and I love the ocean. Which is ironic, because you cannot talk underwater. Don’t they say that opposites attract?


Over the past 15 years, I have lived, studied, worked, travelled and dived internationally, stopping regularly to visit friends and family in Madrid to top-up my reserves of jamón serrano while having very loud conversations, Spanish style. I hold a BA in French and Japanese and an MA in Translation Studies. In 2020 I moved my home office to Lanzarote, a gorgeous volcanic island bathed by the Atlantic Ocean.


I enjoy travelling with a passion. I am addicted to that feeling of discovery, of facing the unknown, and of connecting with others - other scents, other sounds, flavours, languages, colours, and people from every background. When I'm not here behind the screen surrounded by Indonesian rice fields or watching how the sun sets behind a sea of palm trees in Sri Lanka, I'm out in the ocean hanging out with sharks or surfing some waves.


My professional experience is colourful. I have worked as a project manager in a handful of translation agencies, I have been the head of the production team for different start-ups, and I was once a Spanish teacher in Japan - you'll have to ask me about my other adventures. Meanwhile, I steadily built my own translation portfolio (can you guess which famous video game I have translated?), and alongside my work in the translation industry, I work as a dive instructor, teaching others how to safely explore our stunning underwater world.


Finally, in 2019 I took a plunge and decided to launch my own translation brand, and that’s why you and I are here now. The rest is history...

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